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Average Mileage
High Mileage
Monthly Energy Allowance
30 kWh
105 - 115 miles range*
- Effective rate $0.33/kWh
- Flat rate $0.39/kWh after monthly allowance
Monthly Energy Allowance
200 kWh
720 - 780 miles range*
- Effective rate $0.25/kWh
- Flat rate $0.39/kWh after monthly allowance
Monthly Energy Allowance
650 kWh
2,275 - 2,535 miles range*
- Effective rate $0.31/kWh
- Flat rate $0.39/kWh after monthly allowance
Monthly Energy Allowance
400 kWh
1,400 - 1,560 miles range*
- Redeemable between 10PM-6AM
- Effective rate $0.25/kWh
- Flat rate $0.39/kWh after monthly allowance, or when charging between 6AM-10PM
Pay As You Go
No Subscription Required
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DC Fast
Level 2
DC Fast
Level 2
DC Fast
Level 2
Frequently Asked Questions
How can I find the closest chargers?
What EV’s does EVCS support?
How long will it take to charge my EV?
How do I charge my EV with EVCS?
Are there any other fees I need to pay with my subscription?
If I’m having charger trouble, who can I contact?
When will my subscription be billed each month?
What happens if I exceed the plan allowance?
How many total charges will I get before I exceed the 200 kWh cap on the Standard plan?
How do I upgrade or downgrade my membership?
How do I cancel my subscription?
What happens if my payment fails for my EVCS subscription?
What is a pre-authorization fee?
I have a “HOLD TEMPORARY” charge on my card from EVCS. What is this for?
I have a charge on my card from EVCS that I don’t recognize. What is this for?
Is the EVCS network expanding?
Can I use my EVCS subscription on non-EVCS charging networks?