Pay As You Go

No Subscription Required
Full network access in CA, OR, and WA
$/kWh prices vary by region
24/7 charging, no time-of-day restrictions
No time-of-day price hikes
Track monthly charging sessions and kWh consumed
Visit location details page in the app or on the web to see exact Pay As You Go Pricing
$0.99 Session Fee
Region DC Fast Price L2 Price
Los Angeles $0.69/kWh $0.49/kWh
Sacramento $0.65/kWh $0.49/kWh
San Francisco / Bay Area $0.69/kWh $0.49/kWh
San Diego $0.69/kWh $0.49/kWh
Other CA (Stockton, Fresno, Bakersfield, etc) $0.59/kWh $0.49/kWh
WA / OR $0.59/kWh $0.39/kWh
How It Works
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