Recap of “Today, Explained” Podcast: It’s Electric!

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Electric Car Charging

Recap of “Today, Explained” Podcast: It’s Electric!

Recently, we listened to Vox’s Umair Irfan discuss on his Today, Explained podcast how Norway has been trailblazing in the world of electric mobility and what strides the US can make to follow suit. We not only found the episode a fascinating exploration of how our Scandinavian friends serve as both innovators and motivators, but it elucidated ways in which EVCS can and has been working toward similar goals within the US. Below are some of the key takeaways from the podcast as well as how it relates to what we’re doing here and now.

Fossil Fuel Funds

Norway has been appropriating funds generated from fossil fuel usage to perpetuate further adoption of renewable energies. The nation of 3.5 million people known for its majestic fjords and Viking folklore has managed to implement a nearly 100% sustainable energy grid powered by hydro, wind and solar. This is accomplished not through government subsidization, but by taxing the purchase of ICE vehicles at a whopping 25%, which pays for the infrastructure, while waiving those taxes and all registration fees for EVs.

Incentives for EV Drivers

A unified Norwegian government incentivized electric vehicle participation by allowing EV drivers to use the bus lane, pay lower tolls and access free public parking. Once a greater variety of new models like the Nissan Leaf and Tesla Model S became available, drivers started taking advantage. Market share subsequently rose from 3% in 2012 to over 54% in 2020. Further, increased visibility resulting from higher EV usage in major metropolitan areas like Oslo, celebrity endorsements from A-ha to Will Ferrell, and a flood of advertising by major EV manufacturers made the idea of owning an EV “cool.”

Event hosted by the Norwegian Electric Vehicle Association
Photo Courtesy of Norsk Elbilforening


According to Irfan’s guest, Christina Bu, Secretary General of the Norwegian Electric Vehicle Association, Norway does not build superior infrastructure to other countries. Moreover, the country faced similar issues to the US, including the chicken-and-egg conundrum of whether the cars or chargers should come first. But visionaries began to see the possibilities. Now, 10 different charging companies install and operate stations across the country, with competition driving innovation that continues to make them faster, easier to use, and more ubiquitous. Thus, in Norway, it seems, the chargers came first.

How EVCS is Helping America Compete

US consumers actually buy more EVs in total than Norway due to our larger population, but not more per capita. EVs only account for about 2% of all US vehicles, half of which are in California where EVCS has allocated the most resources installing chargers. However, the new infrastructure bill boasts $174 billion in spending for EV-related infrastructure, which, according to another knowledgeable guest, will go toward 1) building out a national charging network to eliminate range anxiety; 2) purchasing an all-electric government motor pool to help sway manufacturers; and 3) new incentives that make EVs more price competitive with ICEs. While Norway uses a carrot-and-stick approach to facilitating EV adoption, the US is clearly more focused on the carrot.

EVCS is participating in the carrot tactic by offering fast, convenient charging options at more relevant points of interest, creating a simple and often free turnkey process for interested site hosts, and offering transparent subscription plans and payment options for drivers. We will be able to take advantage of the aforementioned government spending by helping create a national charging network that improves accessibility for drivers everywhere, not just in metro areas, as Norway did, which fueled the growth of their EV market and should do likewise here.

The podcast also noted how US electrical grids are still predominantly powered by fossils fuels, but we have already begun taking steps to address that issue as well by investing in chargers 100% powered by renewable sources, just like our neighbors across the Atlantic. The future may have started in Norway, but it will be here soon.

You can listen to the entire podcast here:

Electric Vehicles
Electric Car Charging

Navigating California’s New EV Mandate

California’s going all in on electric. On August 25th, Governor Gavin Newsom made a very important announcement concerning the future of transportation in the Golden State: “We can solve this climate crisis if we focus on the big, bold steps necessary to cut pollution. California now has a groundbreaking, world-leading plan to achieve 100 percent zero-emission vehicle sales by 2035.” Big and bold, indeed. And while highly encouraging, it brings up a number of questions moving forward.

Electric Car Charging

How EVCS is Repairing Reliability Concerns

One of the biggest concerns among EV drivers today is the reliability of public chargers. One recent survey from the Department of Bioengineering at UC Berkeley claims as many as 23% of public chargers in the Bay Area alone are, as Wired sums up, “nonfunctioning at any given time, stymied by broken screens, shoddy credit card or payment systems, network connection failures, or damaged plugs.” And that’s in a locale prioritizing the conversion to electric. Testimony from motorists seems to corroborate these findings. A CEC survey of 1,290 EV drivers found that fully 60% had experienced damaged or inoperable chargers, while almost half needed assistance from customer service. We find this wholly unacceptable and have taken measures to ensure that chargers in the EVCS network rise to the standard of operability our customers expect. Here are a few ways we’re doing that:

Electric Car Charging

Installation of the Month (July 2022): Kenwood Inn & Spa

A key focus for us over the last several years has been the installation of additional chargers at holiday hot spots, tourist destinations, and other key points of interest. Not only will it help dispel long-range travel anxiety among many new EV drivers, but it will also lead to a significant reduction in carbon emissions otherwise generated by gas-guzzlers during peak vacation seasons. Moreover, our egalitarian approach to site selection means we’re just as likely to install a charger at a McDonald’s as we are at a Morton’s since we understand the value in catering to a broad clientele. However, higher net worth individuals continue to drive EV sales in the US (a June 2021 Fuels Institute study specifies middle-aged males with household incomes over $100,000), so catering to venues that offer a luxury experience will encourage even greater participation by this group while serving as a bellwether for lower-income drivers who are attracted to the idea of electric mobility as a symbol of status.

Electric Car Charging

Mexico to Canada EV Road Trip: EVCS Interview

We sat down with EV owner and enthusiast Anthony Williams, a 60-year-old business owner from San Diego, who recently commemorated the 10-year anniversary of his first trans-American road trip in an EV by retracing the same route to see what had changed in the world of EV fast charging, for better or for worse. Below are some of his insights and feedback.

Electric Car Charging

Installation of the Month (June 2022): KPC Anaheim Global Medical Center

“For us, healthcare is not only about caring for our patients, but also about investing in the people who live in our communities.” These are the words emblazoned across the home page of the KPC Anaheim Global Medical Center’s website. Facilities like these are attractive partners for us because, like us, their goal is the betterment of humanity. In fact, just replace “healthcare” with “electric mobility” and “patients” with “planet,” and you have the EVCS mission statement in a nutshell. Allying with kindred spirits creates a natural synergy for us through the sharing of core values like customer service and an improved quality of life. Imagine then our excitement when KPC decided to install four of our newest DC fast chargers on their Anaheim property, giving us the opportunity to continue expanding our network southward.