EVCS Makes Hosting Chargers Easier Than Ever

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Electric Car Charging

EVCS Makes Hosting Chargers Easier Than Ever

December 1, 2022

Site hosts are an integral part of the EV revolution. They are the supermarkets, restaurants, hotels, gyms, office buildings, movie theaters, parking lots, retail stores and municipal properties – among others – that install and accommodate EV chargers for public use. Without these green warriors, progress would not be possible. Every day, we’re hard at work educating potential new site hosts on 1) how simple it is to have our chargers installed and 2) the key benefits of doing so. However, with so many still unaware, we thought we’d take a moment to summarize both the process and the perks!

Our Complete Turnkey Solution

We handle every aspect of the installation process so that site owners have to do nothing but sign off and allow us access to the property. We will install up to 10 Level 2 and/or two Level 3 chargers per site depending on the owner’s needs. The process itself includes five basic steps:

1) Site Assessment – Our knowledgeable staff will consult with the site host on everything from local compliance issues to design requirements to implementation obstacles to ensure viability.

2) Permitting – We maintain up-to-date intel on all local regulations and requirements so that site hosts don’t have to. We obtain the necessary permits, manage all site inspections and keep a complete master file of all pertinent records.

3) Engineering and Civil Work – Our experienced team of civil and electrical engineers will draft the installation plans, determine whether utility upgrades are needed, and handle all trenching, backfilling and pavement work.

4) Charger Procurement and Installation – We have relationships with this best charger manufacturers in the business. We’ll source, install, wire, test and commission each unit so it’s ready for operation.

5) Charger Management – Our state-of-the-art networking software makes it a breeze to track charger usage, manage operations (even during peak demand windows) and ensure hardware health.

Okay, by this point, many site hosts are thinking, “This is all well and good, but how much will it cost me?” The answer: Nothing. EVCS is able to tap into state and federal subsidies that front the cost of installation so that the property owner doesn’t pay a penny. And if that sounds great, the benefits are even better.

Key Benefits for Site Hosts

In addition to being the proud purveyor of top-notch Level 2 and 3 charging stations, site hosts enjoy a number of other hard-to-beat gains, including the following:

1) New Revenue – Site hosts share in the recurring revenue generated from every kilowatt-hour of electricity sold. Over time, this can add up to a significant new income stream with very little effort on the site host’s part.

2) Free Maintenance – We offer five full years of upkeep, service and repairs, significantly beating the average one- to three-year warranty, according to EV Safe Charge, offered by most manufacturers.

3) Electrical Upgrades – If the property requires an electrical upgrade for installation, we handle it free of charge, saving owners with older, outdated electric systems potentially thousands of dollars.

4) Free Publicity – Our mobile app and website allows EV drivers to quickly locate the property and determine what type of chargers are there. As such, site hosts inevitably begin attracting new customers from a fast-growing market segment.

5) Environmental Health – Every charger installed is one more step toward creating a cleaner planet with fewer tailpipe emissions and less reliance on fossil fuels. Moreover, an EVCS charger on the property lets others know the site host is just as committed to the environment as we are!

After all this, the bigger question for property owners is not, “Should I become a site host?,” but rather, “Why didn’t I become one sooner?”

More information can be found on our website here: https://www.evcs.com/customers

Electric Car Charging

How EVCS is Repairing Reliability Concerns

One of the biggest concerns among EV drivers today is the reliability of public chargers. One recent survey from the Department of Bioengineering at UC Berkeley claims as many as 23% of public chargers in the Bay Area alone are, as Wired sums up, “nonfunctioning at any given time, stymied by broken screens, shoddy credit card or payment systems, network connection failures, or damaged plugs.” And that’s in a locale prioritizing the conversion to electric. Testimony from motorists seems to corroborate these findings. A CEC survey of 1,290 EV drivers found that fully 60% had experienced damaged or inoperable chargers, while almost half needed assistance from customer service. We find this wholly unacceptable and have taken measures to ensure that chargers in the EVCS network rise to the standard of operability our customers expect. Here are a few ways we’re doing that:

Electric Car Charging

Installation of the Month (July 2022): Kenwood Inn & Spa

A key focus for us over the last several years has been the installation of additional chargers at holiday hot spots, tourist destinations, and other key points of interest. Not only will it help dispel long-range travel anxiety among many new EV drivers, but it will also lead to a significant reduction in carbon emissions otherwise generated by gas-guzzlers during peak vacation seasons. Moreover, our egalitarian approach to site selection means we’re just as likely to install a charger at a McDonald’s as we are at a Morton’s since we understand the value in catering to a broad clientele. However, higher net worth individuals continue to drive EV sales in the US (a June 2021 Fuels Institute study specifies middle-aged males with household incomes over $100,000), so catering to venues that offer a luxury experience will encourage even greater participation by this group while serving as a bellwether for lower-income drivers who are attracted to the idea of electric mobility as a symbol of status.

Electric Car Charging

Mexico to Canada EV Road Trip: EVCS Interview

We sat down with EV owner and enthusiast Anthony Williams, a 60-year-old business owner from San Diego, who recently commemorated the 10-year anniversary of his first trans-American road trip in an EV by retracing the same route to see what had changed in the world of EV fast charging, for better or for worse. Below are some of his insights and feedback.

Electric Car Charging

Installation of the Month (June 2022): KPC Anaheim Global Medical Center

“For us, healthcare is not only about caring for our patients, but also about investing in the people who live in our communities.” These are the words emblazoned across the home page of the KPC Anaheim Global Medical Center’s website. Facilities like these are attractive partners for us because, like us, their goal is the betterment of humanity. In fact, just replace “healthcare” with “electric mobility” and “patients” with “planet,” and you have the EVCS mission statement in a nutshell. Allying with kindred spirits creates a natural synergy for us through the sharing of core values like customer service and an improved quality of life. Imagine then our excitement when KPC decided to install four of our newest DC fast chargers on their Anaheim property, giving us the opportunity to continue expanding our network southward.

Electric Car Charging

6 Reasons Why Fast Charging is Critical

EVCS Level 3 chargers are capable of charging an EV battery to 80% capacity within 20 minutes on most vehicles. They are sleek, efficient, convenient, work with any EV, can function in myriad conditions, and are connected by a powerful network with an easy-to-use interface. By all measures, Level 3 charging – or fast charging – is not only an important link in the electric mobility chain as society transitions away from fossil fuels but a critical one to the goal of mass EV adoption.